Instructions for setting up the Platform
The settings screen – Device tab

The settings screen has 4 tabs. On the first tab, the device tab, you can select the audio interface that the Platform uses. The Platform can use any audio device the computer can use. We recommend selecting ASIO devices, as this standard has proven itself to be a stable standard for real-time audio.
The settings screen – Engine tab

On the second tab, the Engine tab, you can select the Multiplier settings. This multiplier creates an extra internal buffer of X times the audio buffer of the soundcard. This multiplier is used in situations where it is not possible to make the soundcard buffer larger and you still get buffer underruns. (see troubleshooting)
The settings screen – System tab

On the third tab, the System tab, you can select the worker threads settings. The worker threads are the part of the software that do the actual audio processing. Each worker thread will be placed on a CPU core by the OS. So by setting the working threads you select how many cores are used. Sometimes settings the worker threads to an number that is equal to the CPU cores can cause issues. If you are experiencing clicks in the audio, please check the troubleshooting section, where we cover this issue.
The settings screen – Preferences tab

On the fourth tab are more general preferences. You can:
- enable editing of the project through the webGUI.
- Set the confirmation pop-up when deleting a track.
- Show advanced or simple controls as standard.
- Set the LUFS target level.
- Set the IP of the license server.
The tree section

The tree section is the part where you navigate between the running audio processes. Every audio process you add will be added to the list. Upon selection of an audio process, the rest of the UI will change to represent all the settings of the selected process.
The search icon at the top functions as a filter. You can search through your audio processes by typing a part of the name you gave a specific audio process. For example: you could have renamed part of your audio processes to include the language they are supposed to be in.
The lower part has 4 buttons:
- New Audio Process
- New Group
- Duplicate Audio Process
- Delete Audio process
The input section

The input section is where you select the input tracks that are part of the currently selected audio process. The “Add Input” button allows you to add the audio inputs. If a hardware input is already part of an input track in another audio process, this same input track will be used in this audio process, thus saving resources. If a hardware input has not been used yet, a new input track will be created.
In summary: Input tracks live across all Audio processes. This means that you can select the same input track in any audio process you want.
Once an input track is created, you can select a different hardware input with the combo box in the middle of the track. You can mute the input track by pressing the on/off sign and you can remove the track from the audio process by pressing the trashcan.
Keep in mind that any changes made in one audio process are reflected in all audio processes where this input track is a part of.
The controls section

The controls section is the part where you manipulate the audio. All controls are part of the selected program type. There is a manual per audio program where we go over the controls of that specific program.
There are 2 views, simple and advanced. In the simple view you only see the controls that you need for normal operations. In the advanced view, you get a fine-grained control over the engine to make changes to the sound itself.
The parts that are there for all programs are the preset section, where you can save and recall presets for the audio program.
At the top there is a program selection combo box. With this combo box you can switch between audio programs of the same type, for example because you need another output configuration.
The master section

The master section is on the right side of the UI. On the master section you can find the following:
- An LUFS meter for the selected audio process. This meter includes a Pause and a Reset button.
- An on/off button for the whole audio process
- An output selection combo box
- A shortcut the same “New audio process” and “delete audio process” that you can also find on the tree view.
The monitor section

The monitor section is on the same place as the master section, when flipping the monitor view switch. On the monitor view you can find the following:
- An LUFS meter for the selected audio process. This meter includes a Pause and a Reset button.
- An output combo box that enables you to select an output for the monitor section.
- A selection combo box that allows you to select what the monitor section is listening to.
- A follow selection combo box. When this is enabled, the monitor section listens to any audio process selected in the tree view
- A selected channels combo box. This option allows you to listen to the other channels than just 1+2.
- A clear PFL button. When there are PFLs enabled, this button will allow for deselecting them all in 1 go.
The information bar

The information bar contains 3 parts: the first sections shows the status of the license manager. It will show initializing when the Platform is searching for the license manager. It will show connected when connected and it will show disconnected when no license manger can be found on the network.
The CPU meter shows what windows reports as the total CPU usage of the Platform.
The Load meter shows how long it takes to calculate the next audio buffer, compared to time the audio device driver gives the software to calculate the next buffer.